
Reacti-VET: Teachers for Reactive and Responsive Vocational Education

Vocational education and training is faced daily with the need to deliver constantly renewed skills that are adapted to accelerated technological developments in order to ensure students' success in the labour market.

Today, we often encounter the concept of a skills gap, which is the mismatch between the supply of training and the needs of the labour market. Although education alone cannot solve the problem, vocational education and training can do the most to equip students with the skills the labour market needs.

This is where the Erasmus+ project Reacti-VET (Teachers for Reactive and Responsive Vocational Education), in which we are a lead partner, can help.

In most European countries, vocational education and training follows a centrally regulated curriculum that defines the content of the training. The fixed curriculum leaves teachers minimal scope to incorporate the skills that the market needs at that moment.

The development, accreditation and revision of the central framework curricula is usually a very long and complex process, which makes the system inflexible and makes it difficult for schools to respond promptly to the current needs of the labour market.

The Reacti-VET project aimed to develop a model that prepares teachers to mobilise the internal energies of the school, in collaboration with stakeholders - students, parents, teachers and, above all, employers facing a shortage of qualified staff - to identify the knowledge and skills that are lacking and to integrate them into the curricula of the graduating students.

Together with project partners, we developed a continuing education programme and e-learning materials that present a practice-oriented approach to modern technological tools for education, collaborative training and curriculum development. The training will be piloted with Estonian, Hungarian and Italian teachers and will be finalised by the consortium partners on the basis of feedback and accredited in each country according to the partners' national internal systems.

Project information

  • Website:
  • ID: 2018-1-HU01-KA202-047816
  • Program: Erasmus+ KA2
  • Type: strategic partnership
  • Target groups: teachers in vocational education and training
  • Beneficiaries: students in vocational education and training, companies
  • Partner countries (and institutions): Hungary (iTStudy Hungary Számítástechnikai Oktató- és Kutatóközpont Kft. – leading partner; SZÁMALK-Szalézi Szakgimnázium; Veszprémi Szakképzési Centrum Öveges József Szakgimnáziuma, Szakközépiskolája és Kollégiuma), Italy (Associazione Italiana per l’Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico; Fondazione ITS per le nuove tecnologie del Made in Italy – Jobsacademy), Estonia (BCS Koolitus AS), United Kingdom (CAPDM Limited)
  • Duration: 1 September 2018 – 28 February 2021

Project news