21st century education

We are passionate about online teaching and learning—from e‑learning courses and developing frameworks, to research and development that aims to improve the quality of education, incorporating 21st century technology into teaching.


About us

We are a adult education institution, located in Gödöllő, Hungary, with a long tradition in the field of IT vocational training.

Our activities are focused on the dissemination of innovative, 21st century, learner-centred teaching methods, research into the potential of online learning and the development of digital learning solutions.

Indirectly, we want to make learning fun for students by making new teaching methods widely available and encouraging knowledge sharing between teachers.

Our courses are not only related to the digital world in form (online distance learning) but also in subject matter. We also support the integration of online learning and technology into education through the development of e-learning platforms. In addition, we have been initiators, partners and coordinators of several national and EU research and development projects related to modern education.

Our main strength is innovation.


Our courses are linked to the digital world not only in their form (online distance learning) but also in their subject matter. 

We also support the integration of online learning and technology into education by developing e‑learning platforms

In addition, we have been initiators, partners and coordinators of several national and EU research and development projects related to modern education.

Our main strength is innovation.


We have created a collection of micro-learning content: MLC has arrived!

MLC is a repository where anyone can publish their micro-learning materials for others to learn from or use in teaching.

Learn more about MLC

Downloadable books and publications


„This training was clear, well structured and easy to learn. Thank you very much for your help :)”

– one of the participants of our Excel course

„This training was clear, well structured and easy to learn. Thank you very much for your help :)”

– one of the participants of our Excel course

„I would like to take more online courses, because this was finally a course that was worth completing... I can make my daily lessons more colourful, interesting and effective.”

– a participant of one of our accredited teacher training courses

„I am especially grateful that I was able to show a nice group of my graduates something so innovative at the end of their studies, and to feel their appreciation and thanks for it (even from those who are not so dedicated to learning German language).”

– Erika Tóth (German language teacher, Dévaványa Secondary School of Gyula SZC) on one of our accredited teacher training courses

„I applied for the training as a sceptic, I admit. I was curious to see how the practices of the renowned IT high schools in Budapest would work in a small school in Békés. I was already fascinated by the opening event, by the reports, by the participants' eagerness in sharing their experiences... which did not stop after the event.”

– Erika Tóth (German language teacher, Dévaványa Secondary School of Gyula SZC) on one of our accredited teacher training courses

„It was great to feel that there are many colourful personalities in the teaching field (this was revealed in the online collaboration) who dare to take risks and teach the children entrusted to them in new ways. Again, I was convinced that it's always worth taking the plunge into something that you didn't know or do before.”

– Nóra Kálmán (Mihály Táncsics Agricultural Secondary School) on our course on tailoring VET training to the needs of the labour market

„I saw and experienced a lot of new and interesting things at the training. I looked at and discovered many web applications that I had never seen before. I stepped out of my comfort zone and I pushed the students a bit.”

– a secondary school teacher who took part in our course on tailoring VET training to the needs of the labour market

„The tutorial videos were very good, they helped me to learn the material step by step. The theoretical part was also very useful. Congratulations for the organisation!”

– a user of our online Excel course

„Correct and conscientiously prepared teaching materials were available!”

– a secondary school teacher who has attended our Institutional Quality Manager course

Our partners


Aston University


Aston University


Wekerle Sándor Üzleti Főiskola


Universidad de Alcalá


SZÁMALK-Szalézi Technikum és Szakgimnázium


Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Természettudományi Kar


Cork Institute of Technology (CIT)


Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica e il Calcolo Automatico (AICA)


Capture . Author . Publish . Deliver . Manage (CAPDM)




Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar


Magyar Gyula Kertészeti Technikum és Szakképző Iskola


Neumann János Informatikai Technikum


Irish Computer Society (ICS)


BCS Koolitus AS


Informatika-Számítástechnika Tanárok Egyesülete