
A workshop visit was part of the programme at the FliCreate international project meeting

The FLIpped CREative Awareness TEaching project's international partner meeting, which had to be postponed due to Covid-19, finally has been organized!

The meeting was organised by our partner in Ordizia, Goierri Eskola, and took place on 14–15 October.

A delegation from Poland, Italy, the Basque Country and Hungary summarised the work done so far before the start of the final phase of the project.

Since 2019, the training of teachers from the partner schools has been completed. The training has focused on active learning methods, in particular the flipped classroom method, and teachers have shared the knowledge they have acquired with colleagues in their own schools and more widely. 

Using the methods and tools learned, they then put together lesson plans and lesson plans that will be tested in practice with students in the final phase of the project. 

At the meeting, schools gave details of where they are with this work, and education development partners discussed how they will evaluate the test lessons in schools between now and next spring.

The aim of the project is to make available on its website all the teaching materials, exercises and lesson plans developed under the project, so that they can be freely used by all those interested in using them in their own teaching.

The meeting concluded with a visit to the facilities of the Goierri Eskola, the school workshop, where pupils can learn the basics of welding, for example, on a simulation tool before the real workshop work takes place. We then visited the IKASLAN Centre, where apprentices spend their practical training time in real-life conditions, doing real work for the companies that support the institution.