
FliCreate: FLIpped CREative Awareness TEaching

The overall aim of the project is to improve the educational performance of European students by using more effective pedagogical methods that facilitate personalisation, rely on the use of digital technologies and promote the development of students' creativity and problem-solving skills.

Teachers are now aware of the need to change the teaching-learning culture. Teaching must focus on practical problems that actually occur in real life. In addition to teaching facts and figures, students need to develop higher-level thinking skills such as reasoning and problem-solving.

The FliCreate project aims to encourage teachers to acquire advanced digital competences and to use them to apply creative, learner-centred teaching methods.

In the pilot training, teachers will learn, among other things, about the flipped classroom method and how to use applications for preparing flipped lessons, creating motivating digital content and videos.

Project information

  • Website:
  • ID: 2019-1-IT02-KA201-063149
  • Partner countries (and institutions): Hungary (iTStudy Hungary Számítástechnikai Oktató- és Kutatóközpont Kft.; Magyar Gyula Kertészeti Szakgimnázium és Szakközépiskola), Spain (Goiherriko Herrien Ekintza), Italy (Istituto Tecnico Tito Acerbo; Ilmiolavoro), Slovenia (GEPŠ Piran; Ustvarjalnik), Poland (Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi)
  • Duration: 1 October 2019 – 30 April 2022

Project news