
Professional audience evaluated Reacti-VET — teacher training to start soon!

Our colleagues, Mária Hartyányi, Managing Director, and Anita Téringer, e-learning developer, presented the material of the online training for teachers in vocational education and the Reacti-VET project itself to a professional audience on 5 December at the event held at the SZÁMALK-Szalézi Vocational High School.

The introductory lectures of the free 6-week online teacher training course, which will start in December, were also held.

The round table discussion, attended by companies and entrepreneurs, looked at the extent to which graduates' skills cover labour market needs in different fields and what can be done to reduce the gap between demand and supply that exists today.

The need to adopt this approach was highlighted by Attila Salacz, HR partner at Continental AG, who spoke about his experience of working for the giant company, which operates ten factories in Hungary, and said that when filling a job, they often face the problem that candidates do not have the required skills. 

On how the quality of the teaching process is ensured according to the method developed in Japan, famous for its teaching, and how teachers can work together, Dr. habil. János Győri from the Institute of Intercultural Psychology and Pedagogy, ELTE PPK, gave a detailed presentation on how teachers can work together in the field of teaching.

As was evident from the round table discussion with heads of companies and enterprises from different sectors, employers welcome the opportunity and are open to closer cooperation with teachers.

The teachers present, who themselves experience the gap between market expectations and training on a daily basis, confirmed that the project is extremely important and already many have indicated their interest in participating in the online teacher training course, which will start soon!