
READ-IN-CLUB: READ-INg for CuLtUres across Borders

The COVID-19 pandemic also made the work of literary book clubs and reading circles impossible for many months. The READ-IN-CLUB project, a multilingual website and community platform, will help to prevent similar situations.

The website and the platform will raise the level of communication between reading club members, broaden their horizons and their network of contacts, and provide a permanent opportunity to organise, express opinions and make suggestions. A short online training session will be organised for the leaders and moderators of reading clubs and reading circles to introduce them to the different approaches resulting from the online application.

Project information

  • Website:
  • ID: KA227-923BC22C
  • Partner countries (and institutions): Greece (CulturePolis – coordinator; Hellenic Foundation for Culture), Croatia (Sandorf), Cyprus (Institute of Entrepreneurship Development), Slovenia (Društvo slovenskih pisaca), Hungary (iTStudy Hungary Számítástechnikai Oktató- és Kutatóközpont Kft.)
  • Duration: 01. 03. 2021 – 31. 10. 2022.

Project news