
Horticulture 4.0: Vocational Education for Digital Transformation in Horticulture

The project consortium has set out to develop innovative, high quality teaching materials for horticultural educators on smart greenhouse technologies. The project will also contribute to the digital and green transformation of agriculture.

Main objectives and activities

  • Identify digital skills needs for the operation of smart greenhouses, involving horticultural companies to reduce the digital skills gap.
  • Develop flexible, modular and learner-centred micro-courses that enable agricultural vocational schools to respond quickly and relevantly to labour market needs.
  • Developing digital skills and effective and innovative teaching methods for horticultural trainers, supporting learning and teaching in a virtual environment and making up-to-date knowledge on smart greenhouses available.

The partnership is developing learning outcomes-oriented themes and training materials to meet the growing needs of the agricultural labour market.

Precision technology in smart greenhouses has great potential for all sub-sectors of vegetable production and has been a key driver of the digital transformation of agriculture across Europe in recent years.

Planned results

1. Digital competences map of smart greenhouse professionals

2. Smart greenhouses curriculum

3. Smart greenhouses — practice-oriented learning content

  • Module 1: Advanced digital skills for smart green houses
  • Module 2: Smart technologies in greenhouses — planned topics
  • Module 3: Innovative teaching methods

4. E-learning platform for delivering online course for VET teachers

5. Smart greenhouses e-book for VET teachers and trainers

In the final phase of the project, the partnership will produce the e-book "Horticulture 4.0 — Smart Technologies in Greenhouses" in English and in the languages of the partner countries: Hungarian, Serbian and Romanian. In addition to the teaching material, the book will also include the experiences of teachers who participated in the online course and tried out the digital tools and methods with their students, as well as suggestions from the horticultural companies involved in the project.

Project information

  • Website:
  • ID: 2021-2-HU01-KA220-VET-000050665
  • Program: Erasmus+
  • Target group: VET teachers and trainers in the agricultural sector
  • Beneficiaries: VET students learning for horticultural qualifications (IVET/CVET), VET providers and horticultural enterprises
  • Részt vevő országok (és partnerek): Hungary (Alföldi ASZC Galamb József Mezőgazdasági Technikum és Szakképző Iskola – coordinator; iTStudy Hungary Számítástechnikai Oktató- és Kutatóközpont Kft.; Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem), Romania (Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem Marosvásárhelyi Kar), Serbia (Pro Scientia Naturae Alapítvány)
  • Duration: 1 March 2022 – 28 February 2025

Project news