
We present the flipped classroom method at the "Digitális Tér" conference

We will be one of the presenters at the 2019 Digitális Tér (Digital Space) Conference, where we will be sharing the experiences of teachers who participated with us last year in a trial of the flipped classroom teaching method.

The conference topics:

  • What are the inspirations and challenges that motivate change?
  • What are the inspirations and motivations for becoming and staying an effective teacher in the digital space?
  • What lessons can be learned from the first steps and first experiences?
  • What is the vision of the challenges of the digital space today?
  • What are the storytellers' messages and suggestions for taking the first steps?

In session 6 we will talk about this:

More and more educational researchers are telling us that the use of digital tools in the classroom does not in itself represent a pedagogical innovation, and sometimes even preserves traditional frontal teaching.

It is true: while new applications appear on the internet almost every day, education that is fit for the 21st century is decades away.

We would like to show how Erasmus+ funding has enabled us to make a real breakthrough for teachers in vocational education and training, and how we have demonstrated that the flipped classroom is not just another digital technology, but a real shift towards active learning based on collaboration between teachers and students.

What's the secret? We answer this question based on the experiences of more than 70 teachers who have tried it with their own students. We also discuss why and how to apply for Erasmus+ funding!

Download the conference proceedings in PDF format (Hungarian only)!