We develop a Moodle course and management platform for the LS4VET project
The LS4VET project partners held their 2nd international meeting online on 27 May 2021 at the University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht. Several important decisions were taken at the event.
The partners responsible for the activities of the first phase of the project presented their summaries of the survey and interviews with vocational schools and teachers.
A further major step was then taken in the process of developing the Lesson Study model for use in VET, in order to make it adaptable to the VET systems and institutions of each of the participating countries (Austria, the Netherlands, Hungary, Malta).
The second part of the meeting was devoted to the design, implementation and testing of the LS4VET course, the next project objective.
The design and development of the online platform for the LS4VET training course and the creation of a collaboration platform is the task of iTStudy in the project. The 4-lingual platform should support communication, knowledge sharing, collaboration and practice-oriented active learning. The Moodle framework will be used for the development of the online course, as it integrates all the tools needed to create elements of constructivist pedagogy — Moodle is a so-called web 2.0-aware platform. It is multilingual, scalable to any size, usable on any device, and a learning management and learning content management system.