
We celebrate teachers

Whether they do their work in the school building, surrounded by students or online, teachers are still teachers and do their best to pass on their knowledge to younger generations.

On the occasion of Teachers' Day, we celebrate all our collaborating teachers who are enthusiastically and innovatively working with us to find the best teaching solutions and methods.

In Hungary, the day was first celebrated on 7-8 June 1952, and has been the occasion for awarding certificates of recognition to the country's best teachers. This year, the usual awards will be presented later, at the opening of the school year, due to the situation with the crown virus, but the decisions have been made: 2 will receive the József Eötvös Award, 11 the János Csere Apáczai Award, 12 the László Németh Award, 5 the Ágoston Trefort Award and 12 the Teréz Brunszvik Award.

Congratulations to the teachers who have been awarded, and we will continue to do more to improve education: in addition to our ongoing projects, we have again submitted several project ideas that will improve the quality of work of vocational teachers and introduce methods to make learning easier for them and more enjoyable and effective for students.