
Online content from teachers using the flipped classroom method

Here is some digital content created by teachers in vocational education using the flipped classroom method for their students to work on at home!

Animation created with Powtoon (English language, grade 9)

Made by Péter Kaufmann, BMSZC János Neumann Technical Secondary School of Computer Science

Video created with Biteable (Hungarian language and literature, grade 10)

Made by János Koppándi, Dorottya Kanizsai Dorottya Kanizsai Secondary School of Health Care, SSZC

Animation created with Biteable (English language, grade 9)

Made by Anikó Kovács, Péter András High School and College

Interactive video created with H5P (English, Year 10)

Made by Terézia Barna, Dorottya Kanizsai Dorottya SSZC Secondary School of Health Care, Kanizsai Dorottya SSZC


Animation created with Biteable (horticulture)

Created by Sára Ekert, Gyula Magyar Horticultural Secondary School

Interactive video created with H5P (database and software development, grade 11)

Made by Gábor Janzsó, Gábor Dénes Vocational High School and Technical College of Szeged SzC

Interactive video created with H5P (network theory, grade 11)

Prepared by Tamás Patkós, Gábor Dénes Vocational High School and Technical College of Szeged SzC