
How do Hungarian schools fight the spread of the epidemic?

It was not until the last days of the holiday period that a final decision was made: students go back to school, but institutions must ensure their maximum protection. How? We've collected some ideas.

There are some schools in Budapest that are moving the start time of school from 8 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. They want to prevent students from travelling on crowded public transport during the morning rush hour and possibly getting infected as a result.

The centrally set guidelines are to separate classes as much as possible. This allows students to use the common courtyard at break times, alternating between classes or, if the size of the courtyard allows, dividing it into designated sections.

Separation at lunchtime is also necessary for safety reasons. It is reasonable to allow students to visit the school canteens in several rotations, divided into time slots, which is likely to lengthen the lunch period and delay the start of any afternoon sessions.

It is not compulsory — nor would it be practical — to seat students within one and a half metres of each other in each classroom, and for the time being, the wearing of protective masks is not compulsory. However, the presence and use of hand sanitiser will be essential.