The EE-VET project is coming to an end

The EE-VET: Improving the efficiency and attractiveness of vocational education/training of electricians project, in which we have been a partner, is coming to an end.

The aim of the project is to develop state-of-the-art, online training modules focusing on the energy efficiency of building electrics installations, providing up-to-date knowledge for trainee electricians, who will be highly skilled professionals for their future employers, well versed in renewable energy sources and modern building management systems.

We have prepared a 3-module training course, available in 6 languages — English, Bulgarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, German and Hungarian — entitled Energy Efficiency of Electrical Installations in Buildings, with the main topics being:

  • Checking, maintenance and adjustment of energy efficient modes of operation of modern automated BMS (building management systems).
  • Energy efficient lighting technologies in buildings.
  • Installation, repair and maintenance of small-scale photovoltaic systems in buildings.

The project brought together German, Bulgarian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Hungarian higher education institutions and companies for 24 months to make the profession of electrician more attractive to young people choosing a career in the field.