
5 internet security tips for home office and online learning

During the March emergency, schools had to switch to online teaching mode overnight. With the selection and deployment of online collaborative learning platforms, teachers had little time to learn about safe internet use. The most important of these are summarised here.

1. Check your home router settings!

Make sure you change the default settings on your home router! Turn off anything that you are not likely to use when you are at home, such as FTP, SSH access, etc. Check that there are no unwanted devices connected to your home network.

2. Update your programs and your antivirus app!

Update the program on your router and the software on your computer: from antivirus to chat apps. You'll get the latest security patches and be one step closer to protecting yourself in the digital world.

3. Maintain your files and back them up!

It's important to remember that no infrastructure at home is as secure as at work or school. Therefore, it is essential to back up and maintain outdated, old, unused files and programs.

4. Don't be tempted by spam!

Scammers are trying to trick you via email and social media to create panic about the COVID-19 virus, even disguising spam as messages from national authorities. Do not click on these links and do not download attachments from unknown sources, even if they appear to be official! Don't give out your financial details and think twice before entering your credentials anywhere — a fake site may well be a good imitation of the real thing.

5. Help others!

In these times it is even more important than usual to help each other. Share your internet safety knowledge to make those around you more aware of this. Help make your family and those close to you as safe as possible from cyber attacks!