Teachers for reactive and responsive vocational education

If the knowledge and skills of students graduating in VET schools get closer to the requirements of the labour market, employers find skilled staff more easily and graduates do not have to face their own lack of expertise right in their first job.

Digital Tools for Online Learning
There are plenty of free digital educational resources and web-based online interfaces for teachers on the Internet nowdays. Discover our collection, where you can find a description of digital devices that support learning and teaching activity, a short user guide, and even search and filter according to your interests.
Agricultural Informatics in Vocational Education
The rapid evolution of technology have significantly changed significant many practices in our lives today.   The rapidly changing economic and social environment requires a correspondingly constant adaptation from the actors of the economy.  This includes vocational education, who prepare many of the workforce for the changing labour markets including agriculture.

ITStudy — 21st century education

We are passionate about online teaching and learning—from e-learning courses and developing frameworks, to research and development that aims to improve the quality of education, incorporating 21st century technology into teaching.

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Our mission is to take an active part in the continuous improvement of the quality of teaching, exploiting the opportunities offered by 21st century technology. Indirectly we would like to make learning fun for students, by making new teachings methods widely accessible to teachers and by encouraging sharing of knowledge through the means of connected learning.


Our team has significant experience in the following fields:

  • academic research and instruction,
  • innovative teacher training,
  • IT trainings,
  • e-learning platform development, consultancy,
  • development of multimedia learning material,
  • project management,
  • quality management.

We are a private training center specialized for adult education, based in Gödöllő (30 km from Budapest). We delivered IT trainings for many years. Recently we have been involved in various research and development projects (both local and European) as coordinators as well as partners. Innovation is our strength.

Nemzetközi projektek

The main project foundations is to develop and implement a specifically designed curriculum for ICTs for agricultural purposes and the knowledge and skills for delivering this curriculum through VET.

The VETPROFIT project aims to bring vocational education and training closer to the requirements of the labour market.
READ-IN-CLUB aims to create a multilingual, interactive website and community platform that raises contact with the readership, broadens their horizons and network, and provides an ongoing opportunity for members to join and participate, express their opinions and suggestions.
The LS4VET project aims to develop an innovative methodology for the development of VET teachers and trainers by adapting the Japanese Lesson Study model.
The aim of the LaserSafety Erasmus + project is to develop laser safety professional skills by developing online training.
The InnoTeach project was aimed at developing a set of methodologies for primary school teachers to smuggle innovation within the school walls.
During the OpenQAsS project, we developed a solution to help VET institutions carry out their quality assurance tasks, in line with the current European Quality Assurance Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET).During the OpenQAsS project, we developed a solution to help VET institutions carry out their quality assurance tasks, in line with the current European Quality Assurance Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET).

The overall aim of the FliCREATE - Flipped Creative Awareness Teaching - (2019-1-IT02-KA201-063149) project is to improve the school performance of European students through more effective pedagogical methods that facilitate personalization, are based on the use of digital technologies and help learners. creativity and problem-solving skills development.

Vocational training is confronted on a daily basis with the need for students to deliver constantly renewed skills in line with accelerated technological developments in order to succeed in the labour market.
The rapid evolution of technology have significantly changed significant many practices in our lives today. The rapidly changing economic and social environment requires a correspondingly constant adaptation from the actors of the economy. This includes vocational education, who prepare many of the workforce for the changing labour markets including agriculture.
Changes in technological skills and the skills required by the labour market, as well as problem-solving skills, critical thinking and the growing importance of creativity, have made it necessary to renew educational methods. The Flip-IT! project contributes to all these!
The EU's goal of efficient use of natural resources is the spread of new raw materials, technologies, regulations and standards in the construction industry, which in turn requires workers in this sector to acquire new skills and competencies.


This two-volume e-book is free to download and introduces a new, responsive methodology that enables leaders and teachers working in VET to respond quickly to skill gaps identified by the labour market which has never been seen changing such fast before.
In this book, we present the concept system of projects, the peculiarities of different types of projects, the methods and tools that can be applied in certain phases of the project life cycle in a practice-oriented approach.
We recommend this book to teachers who want to gather ammunition for tomorrow’s pedagogy, who know that the careers of young people born in the digital age can only be successful with having new media literacy.
The handbook is recommended for heads of institutions and educators who want to operate a quality management system that does not increase paperwork and administration, but is a real help in the development of the institution.
This free, downloadable book not only introduces the Flipped Classroom method, but it also assists its practical introduction and implementation, and even contains teachers' experiences who have already tried it.


„Ez a képzés érthető, jól megszerkesztett, könnyen tanulható volt. Nagyon szépen köszönöm a segítséget :)”

– Az Online Excel-tanfolyam kezdőknek c. kurzus egy résztvevője

„Szeretnék további online kurzusokon részt venni, mert ez végre olyan tanfolyam volt, amit érdemes volt végigcsinálni… Színesebbé, érdekesebbé és hatékonyabbá tudom tenni a mindennapi óráimat.”

– az Innovatív tanár, kreatív osztályterem akkreditált képzés egyik résztvevője

„Azért külön hálás vagyok, mert egy kedves végzős csoportomnak a tanulmányai végén ilyen újszerűt tudtam mutatni, és érezhettem elismerésüket és köszönetüket ezért (még azoktól is, akik azért nem olyan elkötelezett németesek).”

– Tóth Erika (német nyelvtanár, Gyulai SZC Dévaványai Szakgimnáziuma) az Innovatív tanár, kreatív osztályterem c. képzésről

„Szkeptikusként jelentkeztem a képzésre, bevallom. Kíváncsiként: a budapesti, jónevű informatikai középiskolák gyakorlata hogyan működik egy békési kis iskolában? Már a nyitórendezvény magával ragadott, a beszámolók, a résztvevők aktív véleménynyilvánítása... ami nem maradt abba a rendezvény után sem.”

– Tóth Erika (német nyelvtanár, Gyulai SZC Dévaványai Szakgimnáziuma) az Innovatív tanár, kreatív osztályterem c. akkreditált képzésünkről

„Jó volt azt érezni, hogy a pedagóguspályán sok színes egyéniség van (ez az online együttműködésben derülhetett ki), akik mernek kockáztatni és új módszerekkel oktatni a rájuk bízott gyerekeket. Megint megbizonyosodtam arról, hogy mindig érdemes belevágni olyasmibe, amit addig nem ismert, nem csinált az ember.”

– Kálmán Nóra, Táncsics Mihály Mezőgazdasági Szakközépiskola

„Rengeteg új, érdekes dolgot láttam, tapasztaltam a képzésen. Megnéztem, felfedeztem sok, általam eddig nem ismert webes alkalmazást. Kiléptem a komfortzónámból, s kicsit a diákokat is kibillentettem.”

„Nagyon jók voltak az oktatóvideók, lépésről lépésre segítettek elsajátítani az adott tananyagot. Az elméleti rész is igen hasznosnak bizonyult. Gratulálok a szervezéshez!”

„Korrekt és lelkiismeretesen elkészített tananyagok álltak rendelkezésre!”
